TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The below terms and conditions apply to the Users who use the Online Services provided for any payment made to RESONANCE COLLEGE. Please read the below terms and conditions carefully. By authorizing a payment to RESONANCE COLLEGE through the online payment service ("the service"), it would be treated as a deemed acceptance to these terms and conditions. RESONANCE COLLEGE reserves all the rights to amend these terms and conditions at any time without giving prior notice. It is the responsibility of the User to have read the terms and conditions before using the service. Key terms: The following is a summary of the key terms of this service: • Payment(s) through this service may only be made with a Credit Card, Debit card, Paytm, BHIM UPI, and Net Banking. • Before using this service, it is recommended that the user shall make a necessary enquiry about the charges or fees payable against the Credit/Debit card used from Credit Card or the Debit Card service provider, i.e., the respective. • The credit card information supplied at the time of using the service is processed by the payment gateway of the service provider and is not supplied to RESONANCE COLLEGE. • It is the sole responsibility of the User of the service to ensure that the information entered in the relevant fields is correct. It is recommended that you take and retain a copy of the transaction for record keeping purposes, which might assist in the resolution of any disputes that may arise out or usage of the • The Applicant agrees, understands, and confirms that his/ her personal data, including without limitation details relating to debit card/ credit card/net banking transmitted over the Internet, may be susceptible to misuse, hacking, theft, and fraud, and that RESONANCE COLLEGE or the Payment Service Provider(s) have no control over such. • RESONANCE COLLEGE shall not be liable for any inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of (a) any data, information or message, or (b) the transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message; or (c) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, non-performance or interruption in any such data, information or • The Applicant agrees that RESONANCE COLLEGE or any of its employees will not be held liable by the applicant for any payment. Debit/Credit Card, Bank Account Details: • The Applicant agrees that the debit/credit card details provided by him/ her for the use of the aforesaid service (s) must be correct and accurate and that the Applicant shall not use a Debit/ credit card that is not lawfully owned by him/ her or the use of which is not authorized by the lawful owner. o The Applicant is responsible for ensuring that the card/ bank account details provided by him/ her are accurate; o The Applicant is responsible for ensuring that sufficient credit is available on the nominated card/ bank account when making the payment to permit the payment of the dues payable or fees dues selected by the Applicant inclusive of the applicable. No warranty: • No warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, is given by the RESONANCE COLLEGE. Disclaimer and Limitation of liability: • RESONANCE COLLEGE does not accept liability for any damage, loss, cost (including legal costs), expenses, indirect losses, or consequential damage of any kind which may be suffered or incurred by the User from the use of this.